Properties and Application of Magnesium Hydroxide Slurry

 Magnesium hydroxide slurry is an efficient, non-carbonate source of alkalinity. Because its solubility and reactive pH are low, it presents little or no hazard to people or to the environment.

Magnesium hydroxide slurry is an effective source of non-carbonate alkalinity. Due to its low solubility and reactive pH, it poses little hazard to humans or the environment. For those concerned about safety and the environment, magnesium hydroxide slurry is a responsible and safe alternative to hazardous chemicals.

The high-purity magnesium hydroxide slurry products of Tibet Mag Technology Co., Ltd. are widely used. Magnesium hydroxide slurry has been effectively used in aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment systems in meat processing plants, bakeries, chemical processing plants and municipalities. This article will discuss the advantages of magnesium hydroxide over slaked lime and caustic soda and present case studies of magnesium hydroxide slurry successfully used in the aerobic and anaerobic treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater.

In wastewater treatment, microorganisms convert waste into cellular tissue and gaseous, liquid or solid conversion products. In order for microorganisms to continue to reproduce and function properly, optimal growth conditions such as pH, nutrient availability and alkalinity must exist. Municipal sewage generally contains sufficient alkalinity to support the biotransformation of organic waste; however, in some cases, the alkalinity is insufficient to maintain optimal bacterial growth conditions. Often, an alkali, such as caustic soda or lime, must be added to the wastewater stream to provide alkalinity and keep the pH within an optimal range. Currently, caustic soda and lime users are switching to magnesium hydroxide slurry because of its advantages in biological treatment.

Magnesium hydroxide slurry is recognized as the "milk of magnesia" for wastewater treatment, and has been widely used in heavy metal precipitation and acid neutralization of industrial wastewater.

Many industrial and municipal wastewater facilities are now being converted to magnesium hydroxide for use in aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment systems. Nutrients in the form of magnesium are readily available to microorganisms using the magnesium hydroxide slurry. Magnesium hydroxide provides more calcium carbonate equivalent alkalinity on an equal weight basis than slaked lime and caustic soda which reduce chemical consumption.

Other benefits that make magnesium hydroxide slurry more attractive to end users are its buffering capacity, which provides the added benefit of excellent pH control, and its handling properties. Unlike caustic soda, magnesium hydroxide is harmless and non-corrosive when used correctly, making it safer and easier to handle.

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